Dialogue with the Decision-Makers
Coaching Sessions & Seminars
Policy Affairs for the Leaders in the Healthcare Industry
Klaus H. Kober's coaching sessions and seminars present an ideal opportunity to learn more about policy affairs management and lobbying.
Policy Affairs Fast Track
2-hours coaching session
The fastest way to get to define and begin work on your individual issue!
Number of participants: 1 - 2. Location and date TBD.
Policy Affairs Compact
Halfday-seminar for beginners
Get to the bottom of issues and recognize options within the company's context in the political environment.
Number of participants: 1 - 4. Location and date TBD.
Policy Affairs Intensive
1-day seminar for beginners and experts
Learn from a practice-oriented perspective how your company can generate an effective presence in the political environment!
- Insider perspective: Objectives and interests in healthcare policy
- Who is Who in the German healthcare system?
- The SGB V (German Social Security Code): an overview
- Effects on and opportunities for your company
- From the idea to the law - how are laws made?
- Define how your company's interests relate to healthcare policy
- Learn how to structure political communication
- Determine the compatibility of your interests with those of politicians
- Determine your strategic orientation: Implement healthcare objectives into your company's policies
Number of participants: 1 - 8. Location and date TBD.
Coaching sessions & seminars on policy affairs
These are designed for decision-makers in companies, health insurance funds, associations, scientific institutions, communication agencies, and start-ups.