While at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic most decision-makers and actors were driven by previously unknown and even unimagined challenges, the learning process is now focusing the leadership on crisis management also to make it future-proof. This is only to be understood as the integrated and appropriate development of efficient prevention strategies.
We are leading facilitators in this process especially by cooperating with Bischoff & Scheck AG. Within this framework we are clearly focused on developing adequate as efficient conditions for preventive measures, especially regarding the question: How can the prerequisites and conditions of a lock-down be managed in a much more appropriate and differentiating way by considering the entire spectrum of societal as well as ecomomical demands and consequences facing the impacts.
The required screening as well as the sensible usability of the Corona-Warn-App requires the precisely controlled and efficient acquisition of the required data and realistic risk assessment: at workplaces, events, specific risk groups, temporary hotspots, etc
According to our previous examination and findings a highly qualified solution is in use in order to meet these existing as justified requirements without having repeatedly and suddenly to lock down with all negative impacts especially for the economy: the mobile laboratories of Bischoff & Scheck AG!
MobiLab, the mobile corona test laboratory for targeted pooling of mass tests on site
Through flexible and fast location selection, coupled with a scientifically valid test process (from sampling to evaluation), quite large groups of people can be tested in a short time, without causing a nationwide standstill by other measures. This solution, to be able to provide such a flexible, targeted pooling, can also be used in the shortest possible time, also including measures in the field of disinfection etc. In addition to the necessary equipment, experienced personnel can also be provided.
MWith this short introduction we want to show you an essential and efficient approach to significantly strengthen the prevention approach by utilizing this solution of infrastructural intelligence. I am very pleased if you would give us the opportunity personally to present this innovative concept, also a visit of the laboratory can be arranged at your convenience. Please call me at 07841 6842185 or send me an e-mail.